Dear list,

It was......... hypocrisy, working in the office of a daily newspaper here in Belgium, drowning in the WTC news; over and over again; repeating the first and than the second crash, then the first fire, the second, the opinions, the president speech, the death rate.... My god, it shocks the world. Everyone`s full of it. Everybody`s awake now. But, why just now? The person who did this, got us good didn't`t he ? Right on the sore spot of what we hold up as the thing to be proud of ; hypocrisy!( If the same thing would have happened with a big oil tower in Alaska, not a soul would care (not a soul would know also). But nooooo, now it`s the big trophee! The big WTC! Consumers pride has severe damage now ! And I don`t ignore the fact that already thousands of people have died in this story. My condolences for teh relatives and friends, honestly. Some doubts that came to mind; Is it really one group that`s behind all this? Was it really terrorism? Yeah I know, you call me stupid. But again it would be another X-file if in two months someone finds out that there`ve been major mistakes and major cover-ups made by certain people, would it? Media is soooooooooo misleading people !!!!! And yes I can see the views of the collapsed tower and yes I can see the very latest reports of the other side of the world. But what I haven`t heard is a true, reliable voice who confirms 100% terrorism. The media has made a playfull jump with this info and the American government is giving it a big push in the back ! ! People of the hit areas; BE CRITICAL TOWARDS THINGS YOU HEAR AND ESPECIALLY TO WHAT YOU SEE. More than anybody else, Americans will be the playball of their own media(propaganda).
With some `luck` they  will be at the birth of The Gulf -War , number two.
To many fantasy sentences, you tell me.....
How dumb did the Gulf begin?

Hoping to see some reaction, against or with, doesn`t matter.

P.S. :People who think these above lines have nothing to do with our thought-inspired music are right. And I`m wrong, I know.

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