>From the front page of Discogs.com... hilarious:

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DJ Tiƫsto - somebedroomdj
I don't know how I even ended up reading the reviews on this page, but
I do know that statements about this freak being the "best dj in the
world, etc. etc." can not be allowed to filter into the collective
consciousness unchallenged. If that were allowed to happen, everything
would fall apart, we would all spontaneously de-evolve, up would
become down, cats would have sex with dogs and rational thought as we
know it would disappear. And I'll be damned if I'm going to contribute
to that happening.

So I just have to say for the record that this.. this thing is nothing
more than a marketing scheme and any claims of him being the best DJ
in the world are patently ludicrous. Music wise, there is nothing new
here. Same old re-hashed formulas and a no talent money machine. This
is not a baseless accusation either, just check the credits on his
productions. When it says "Written/Composed by: XXXX" it means that,
hello, somebody else did all the work. Simple music for simple minded
people who don't want to have to think too hard.

Of course, those of us with a functioning brain already know this. So
the real issue becomes this: what can be done about this wooden shoe
wearing, tulip growing menace?

Simple. I've outlined a few steps you can take to help wage this war:

1) If you hear somebody extolling the virtues of this thing, smack
them casually (but firmly) upside the head and continue the
conversation as if nothing had happened. Pavlov was onto something and
there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to employ this slight
variation of his methods.

2) Though the lion's share of commerce these days is done online,
there are certainly places where this thing's CD's and records are
sold in physical stores. If you ever have occasion to do so at one of
these dens of depravity, you should vomit, urinate, defecate or
otherwise expel your bodily fluid(s) of choice so as to contaminate
every last piece of this thing's merchandise so that the store is
unable to sell it.

3) Organize an event showcasing your favorite type of actual music and
aggressively advertise that the price of admission will be halved for
everyone who brings you one of this thing's CD's, records, t-shirts,
shoes, caps, keychains or any other such nonsense that is branded with
his name or image. Be very careful to wear rubber gloves when handling
the items and throw them all into a gigantic bonfire pit, to be lit at
the culmination of the event.

If we could all employ this 3 pronged attack, I think we could make
some real progress on this.

Now, to the fanboi's. I know your face is probably beet red right
about now and there's a good chance your body is trembling, but I need
you to hear and understand what I'm saying to you. We don't just hate
Tiesto. He's a mere puppet who is a symptom of a larger problem and I
think that anybody who puts him down probably realizes this. It's just
that he has willingly made himself the poster boy for the
commercialization of electronic music and, hence, a big fat target.
There was a time when people actually attended raves and went to hear
music they couldn't hear anywhere else and socialize with other people
who were just as sick of normal society's bullsh*t as they were. They
didn't go to idolize some idiot who was just properly marketed. It was
the music and it moved people. If you support and defend this Asshat,
it is a slap in the face to everybody who comes to this for the right
reasons. Just look at what has happened to every other subculture that
has been co-opted. Hip-hop is a mere shadow of it's former self. Rock
and roll was castrated decades ago and is no longer a viable option
for conveying a real message. Punk has become Emo and is sold at Hot
Topic. Even country music used to have some grit to it, but look at
the saccharine sweet bag of sh*t it is now.

Your hero is just another cog in the giant money machine that music
has been allowed to be reduced to. It's only about money. The fact
that he has to hire engineer's to make his productions for him means
that he is no different than a boy band that has other people write
their songs. If an "artist" isn't making their own art, how can you
put any faith in it? How can you listen to something that they
themselves do not believe in and not feel like you've been played for
a sucker while they laugh at you all the way to the bank?

The bottom line is that there is a lot of different music out there
and lots of genre lines that we create. But what it all comes down to
is that there is music that lies and music that does not lie. Support
music that does not lie, please.

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