Just a quick plug for a couple releases i received in a wooden 
monkey cage the other day.. hand crafted by the forces that 
operate the Mad Monkey Records office in Austin, Texas. With 
MMR you not only receive the drenching soundscapes they create 
within each release, but this time around it's the visual aesthetic of 
seeing a monkey cage containing two disc's and a stuffed monkey 
(inside) that make's MMR a pleasurable and an all encompassing 
experience for the senses. On to the music..

| Zira Compilation ~ MMR 02 | http://www.racecows.com/zira/ |

First i'd like to point out that this disc is recorded with new,
state of the art technology incorporating recorded material on a 
black cd, reminiscent of Play-Station video game disc's. And second.. 
if T. Millar's "Stratovox" track doesn't "rock your techno-boat", then
there is something seriously wrong with you. Techno-funk, ambient 
chords, and a wide platform of happy thought's spins with a shiny 
melodic voice sample that is looped in every direction. I should also 
point out that for your emotional pleasure, Brand's "Saigon" will leave 
you in a river of tears if you're not careful with your emotional side. 
Consider this an advance warning!  ps-- Neutral's "Blue Paper (original)" 
will produce the same emotional effect.. well produced with melodies 
direct from the ice-cream truck, and beats from the machine factory 
around the corner..

Skewed beats, multi-layered rhythms, and distorted melodies turns
the 'Zira' compilation into a full-fledged experimental affair with a focus 
on the word "mental". All those quirky yet mind-boggling tracks from 
'Enter The Monkey' are slightly visible from a distance, but 'Zira' remains 
in its own field of electronic debris including a slew of new and established 
artist's who have made an appearance in the past w/ MMR. Expect to 
hear loads of obscure samples floating around in each track as well.. ie) 
"ABCDEFG, hooked on phonix worked for me!"

The 'Zira' compilation include's tracks from Head-Monkey, Daniel 
De Los Santos, Neutral (aka Nicole Elmer who also released the 
fine 'Font Translation Error's' for MMR's third release), T. Millar 
(made an appearance on 'Enter The Monkey'), Brand (new artist?), 
Mad Monkey Consortium, Fluroscopic Kid (www.sonictherapy.com), 
Erich Wolfgang (new artist?), Neopithecus (new artist?) Tamarin (new
artist?) and lastly, but not least, Army of the 23 Monkey's (Daniel and 
company). A few of these tracks were recorded live to DAT (in other
words, no sequencers, and full improvisation).. Check the Zira / MMR 
link above for all pertinent info.. If you listen closely, but not too close, 
you can listen to Prince in full-swing and in a slightly distorted manner 
courtesy of Tamarin! 

For a picture of the monkey cage that holds the 'Zira' compilation and 
Neutral's 'Font Translation Errors' (MMR 03, as well as purchasing/artist/
release and contact information, go to the revamped Mad Monkey website, 
and click on the MMR logo (Inaudible designed) at http://monkey.eliteware.com/.

I haven't listened to the Neutral disc enough to give a proper mini-review, 
but i've already picked a few tracks that bleed idm and experimental 
electronics all the way through. Check the Neutral website for sound-
clips and other neat stuff: http://www.chromosome57.com/neutral/neutaudio.htm

"Vote Monkey in 2000," you won't be disappointed i'm sure!  ;  )

p i e t r o   d a  s a c c o          a u d i o - n i m b u s
c j a m  91.5 fm  saturdays from midnight - 2am EST
9745 lynngrove cr, windsor, ontario, n8r 1b8, canada
g r o o v e s  m a g a z i n e   www.groovesmag.com

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