TO THE BONE: Welcome To The Errordome

After departing the previous venue due to an outbreak of spontaneously 
combusting crack-whores, To The Bone returns to a dancefloor so spankingly 
pristine, you could eat your breakfast off it.

To christen this virgin snow, TTB welcomes Der Wonkmeister himself, ERRORSMITH, 
to the DJ cage. One half of Smith ‘N Hack (who recently remixed Herbert’s 
‘Moving Like A Train’), he’ll be conducting a 3-hour Ableton jamboree 
comprising dubstep, dancehall, disco and the kind of knock-kneed house music 
that’ll have you dancing like a pigeon-toed gazelle with rickets.

In support are two of London’s biggest Boners, residents Charlie Blue and 
littletony, who’ll be standing stiff and proud behind the decks, and whacking 
off some third-rate mixes.

The Concrete Basement
42-43 Lower Marsh
London SE1 7RG

Saturday 5 August
£7 (advance only)

Further Info/Tickets: 07977 420999 / 07989 571552 / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Download Errorsmith mix action here: (email if 
you need the tracklist)

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