----- Original Message -----

Dear Javier,

RE: "this is my house..." speech.

The only thing I can tell you about the "this is Jack" track is that it was
on a "blue" label. I don't remember the name of it either. I can't even
remember what label it was as it was so long ago that I got rid of the 12".
It's probably safe to assume that it was a label that only had 1 or 2
releases [if that many] since I can't recall seeing the label again after
that one record. The version of "Can You Feel It?" that had that speech on
it was released on Desire Records [UK] and it wasn't authorized by myself or
Robert. If the interested party can track down Desire Records, maybe that
record is around somewhere, but I'd really doubt it seeing that it was
released over 10 years ago.

Sorry I can't offer more information than this.

Larry Heard

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