>Dear Members, Subscribers and Friends,
>I do not normally use our alert channel to send a personal message.
>However, I wanted to let you know that the Illicit Drug Anti-
>Proliferation Act (also called the "RAVE Act"), which was attached to
>the AMBER Alert bill, passed both the House and Senate late yesterday
>(April 10).
>The RAVE Act threatens free speech and musical expression while
>placing at risk any hotel/motel owner, concert promoter, event
>organizer, nightclub owner or arena/stadium owner for the drug
>violations of 3rd parties - real or alleged - even if the event
>promoter and/or property owner made a good-faith effort to keep their
>event drug-free.  It applies not just to electronic-music parties,
>but to any type of public gathering, including theatrical
>productions, rock concerts, DJ nights at local bars, and potentially
>even political rallies. It gives heightened powers and discretion to
>prosecutors, who may use it to target events they personally don't
>like - such as Hip-Hop events and gay and lesbian fundraisers.
>Sadly, the RAVE Act was added to the AMBER Alert bill conference
>report at the very last minute by Senator Biden (D-DE), its original
>sponsor.  The AMBER Alert bill creates a system for responding to
>child abduction.  It has nothing to do with drug policy.  The RAVE
>Act had not passed even a single committee in the House or Senate
>this year.  One senator's pet issue made a mockery of the Democratic
>process - becoming law without any public hearing or opportunity for
>input whatsoever.
>You should be aware that your letters and faxes clearly had an
>effect.  (FYI - you sent Congress 13,000 faxes this week alone!!)
>For example, the word "rave" was removed from the version of the bill
>that passed.  Eliminating such blatant discrimination is a victory
>for our continued freedom of speech.  Also, the original bill
>suggested that prosecutors should view the sale of water and the
>presence of glowsticks or massage oil as evidence of drug use.  These
>ludicrous "findings" were completely removed thanks to you.
>President Bush will sign this child abduction bill, which means the
>RAVE Act will become law as well.  We will be working with the
>legislators who opposed this provision - such as Senators Durbin,
>Kennedy and Leahy and Representatives Conyers and Scott - for its
>repeal.  In the meantime, however, it is up to all of us to be the
>watchdogs of its enforcement.
>Attorney General John Ashcroft will have to make decisions about its
>enforcement priority among the many public safety issues the
>Department of Justice handles.  He must be held responsible when he
>implements this scheme.  We want him to know that he is not free to
>shut down our dance clubs, our festivals and our freedoms.  We will
>be watching the activities of law enforcement and prosecutors, and we
>will act when our rights are violated.  You can help us by faxing
>Attorney General Ashcroft here.
>We thank our many partners in this effort for your hard work: EM:DEF,
>ROAR, Buzzlife Productions, Davey D., electronic dance and music
>organizations throughout the U.S., club owners, hotel organizations,
>beverage and licensing groups, the ACLU and many, many others.  But
>most of all, I want to say thank you personally to our members and
>You truly deserve credit for reacting so quickly and so forcefully.
>It has really been amazing.  When Bill McColl, our Director of
>National Affairs, told me about this issue last June he said that he
>thought the RAVE Act would pass in about 2 weeks.  You proved us
>wrong.  It took 10 months, a change in control of the Senate,
>backroom maneuverings and substantial changes to the bill.   I'm
>proud of the hard work of our members, friends and our coalition.
>Rest assured we will continue to work together to mobilize opposition
>and advocate to fix this dangerous law.
>Ethan Nadelmann
>Executive Director
>Drug Policy Alliance

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