immedia 2003 eighth annual digital arts exhibition
Jan 31-Feb 8
University of Michigan Media Union
2281 Bonisteel Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI
This is a free event and food/refreshments are served

[ [..] ]    multimedia performances
            interactive installations
            animation and video screenings
            interactive fiction and web works
            CAVE virtual reality
            interactive graphics
            video flatwork

[ [..] ]    saturday 02.01.2003 night >>>>>

].[ video studio
].[ Kit Clayton and Sue Costabile

7pm  ][ lecture on electronic music composition and live
        video manipulation
8pm  ][ artist q and a
9pm  ][ 'Interruption' performance

].[ Joshua Kit Clayton lectures about the creative process in electronic
music composition and the challenges of combining it with live video
manipulation. following the lecture, Kit Clayton and Sue Costabile perform
the conceptual art piece, 'Interruption', exhibiting innovations in
audio/visual manipulation and physical movement. Those interested in
Jitter for MAX/MSP are strongly encouraged to attend.

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