
Some of you might be interested to know that my guest on this week's show is Oliver Ho.

He'll be doing a mix + I have some free copies of his new album on Meta to give away on CD. It's not out in the shops yet and is dead good (IMO) + the mix should be a cracker as well, plenty deep!

I'm not going to bother with any competition nonsense, if people text in during the show I'll pull some names out of the hat etc etc.

The timings are: This Friday night 1am-4am BST (mix will probably kick off at about 1.05).

To listen go to http://www.passion1079.com and click on the live streaming link, or if you're in the Oxford area you can tune in on the wireless at 107.9FM.

The text number is 07970 441079



P.S. Thanks to all for the Movement reports! I'll leave it at that since dwelling on the subject does my head in. I **WILL** go one day....

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