We're currently working on getting the recording of Shawn's live 
PA in London online - should be happening in a few days - but, in 
the meantime, here are some pictures from the night. There are one 
or two regular 313 contributors showing up in these shots, and a 
lot of "strangers" as well. It seems as though word of the Shawn 
Rudiman live set got around, and a lot of previously unseen faces 
showed up...


I doubt the BPI can give us any hassle over uploading a live set 
of exclusively original material, so when the mp3 is online I'll 
post the URL to it. It really was a bloody good slice of live 
techno, the way it should be done! We're all looking forward to 
Rei Loci's performance next month now, along with Jason and Elijah's 
sets. Irn Bru and deep-fried Mars bars will be provided in keeping 
with the general Glaswegian theme of the night... 


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