Hear Ye!....Hear Ye!....One of the greats is gone...

It's hard to know exactly how to start this. There are allot of people
you'll meet in your lifetime. Some of them you may just pass by on the
street ,make eye contact and never get to know anything beyond that.
You may spend some time afterward imagining what you think they are
like, how they live, what they're thinking, who they're friends are
etc... Some of them you get to meet and hang out with for a bit. You
find out how unhappy they are, how unfulfilled their life seems to
you. Some you meet live their life in a manner worthy of a Norman
Rockwell painting. They seem to have it all, they have the wife, 2.5
kids, minivan, excellent credit, white picket fence and a retirement

Very very few you meet in life are like an Aaron Carl. If fact it may
be so rare that I'm going to go out on a limb and say that if you
never knew Aaron Carl you missed out cause there will never be another
one. There are people in this world that deserve your tears. People
that never spoke out loud about anything and never used their short
time on this earth to leave a mark. The people that you should cry for
are people who never knew themselves, or that ones that do but never
bring up the courage to live openly in front of the world so that
everybody will know the truth. This was not Aaron Carl...

Aaron was just one of those people who's entire life was a true
expression of who he was on the inside. He just didn't have that thing
in his head that allowed him to hide what he felt from the world. He
was not an actor, he was not just some personality, he was just Aaron.
You were either cool with that or you were more cool with the door
knob hitting you in the ass on the way out. He was loved by many
people all over the world for that alone.

He was blessed by God with a talent for expression that anybody should
envy as well as a need to express that consumed his every waking
moment. Like most of us that attempt to express ourselves the emotions
run deep. The joy and pain of life and the differences between the
highs and the lows are vast. For some the toll it takes on you and the
costs are great. But like most of us realize the payoff is worth much
more than all of that. The hope is that all of the blood, sweat and
tears are enough to make a mark on this world that last well beyond
the short life we were honored to live. Do not shed a tear for Aaron,
he accomplished it.
The music....

OMG the music was something that none of us will be able to forget. He
had a sound and a unique way to make things happen in a dance track
that few in this world will be able to match much less try to emulate.
He had a way to make a track both emotionally deep and exciting. If a
tear must be shed let it be for all of us that will never have another
chance to learn more from him in person about music. Nobody can ever
deny that the man was gifted. If you never had the chance to meet
Aaron in person but you still want to know the man all you have to do
is listen to his body of work. All of this will survive him long after
the shock of his death has worn off. He had a genuine love for this
city ,the music scene in it and made a genuine effort to try to make
things happen. I know that he was a huge influence on me personally as
well as many others around him.

My sincere condolences go out to all of his family and to all of his
other friends. If there is anybody to shed a tear for it's them along
with all the others who will no longer have a chance to know the man
behind the music.

May he forever rest in peace while the rest of us do our best to live
in peace and make the best of this short time we are allowed to be
with each other on planet earth. True death only comes to those who
never truly lived and true life only comes to those who live the

                  Cliff Thomas

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