On Wed, Oct 19, 2005 at 07:21:54PM +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What (briefly) can anyone tell me about this guy?  And does anyone know
> which album I'll find "Nereci" on?  And is his version the original?
> I looked on a second hand vinyl site and he's got loads of stuff on there
> but he's mostly off Discogs radar.
> Interestingly though on the second hand site there's a tune from 1986 by
> "Djavan / Guilherme Arantes"
> G what have you been up to?  We need the truth.

Ok, ok... we recorded a couple of songs together back in the day.
Since then DJAvan has turned to more cheesy/romantic music and I kind
of lost contact with him...

Dunno about this Nereci one, though. 




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