I thought this was quite interesting.. an email from Carol Marvin's
attorney on the Marvin vs Craig dispute.

My review was simply a rework of the press release sent out from Planet E
a few months back, so something like this comes as a suprise.  

Anyone care to comment or 'know' anything further?


Royal, I just read your review of the Carl Craig DEMF lawsuit. I
represented Carol Marvin in that matter. Contrary to what you heard from
Carl, he did NOT win his suit. The jury affirmed that Carol had the right
to terminate him from the THREE YEAR contract - for his failure to
perform his duties under the agreement - but that she owed him a PORTION
of his 2001 payment because his termination was effective May 30, 2001,
and she did not pay him for the last few weeks of the 2001 festival. The
jury pro-rated the amount he should have received up until that date
(less than 10k), which Carol would have paid him had Carl not filed the
unwarranted lawsuit before she cut final checks following the event. He
made himself look like an ass. He was suing for defamation and 50k under
the contract; a contract under which was supposed to serve as the
creative director through the 2002 festival. The judge agreed with me and
threw out the defamation claim as lacking any legal merit, whatsoever,
and the jury awarded him a sympathetic 9k, plus a few extra thousand
dollars for some "expenses" he was crying about all trial. You can't even
get into Wayne County Circuit Court unless the amount in controversy is a
legitimate 25k MINIMUM dispute. You do the math. He waster two years of
his attorney's time (his attorney couldn't have made more than a few
thousand dollars on the case), his time, and Carol's time, and wasted tax
payer money, as well, all because he is too proud and arrogant to admit
that he screwed up. It's unfortunate that reporters, like yourself,
create fiction out the facts to write what they think their audiences
want to hear, and do it at the expense of others, like my client. I would
appreciate it if you could clear this up with your readers, as it
reflects on my reputation as an attorney, as well. You can check the
Wayne County jury verdict by visiting the Wayne County Michigan Circuit
Court web-site (do a Google search) and doing a docket seach by the last
names of the parties to verify everything.

Benn Glazier 
aka DJ Royal
ph:+61 (0)413 316 618

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