I don't know if anyone in the dance scene has done anything like this.
This kind of stuff falls more into the noise scene. I can remember the
Time Stereo guys drilling holes in records so that they would play off
center and sound wobbly, but that is the only thing that comes to

This guy has made a career of that gimmick:


> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Denise Dalphond <ddalp...@umail.iu.edu>
> To: ...@hyperreal.org
> Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2010 18:08:48 -0400
> Subject: Research question about vinyl manipulation
> Hi all,
> Has anyone ever done or heard of anyone doing the following IN DETROIT:
> Physically manipulating a piece of vinyl by cutting it down the middle
> exactly and then gluing it to another half of vinyl so that the
> grooves match up and it can actually play? Or any other kind of
> dramatic vinyl manipulation? I'm thinking of things beyond concentric
> grooves, groove reversal (starting a record from the inside to play
> outward), and looped grooves.
> Feel free to message me directly if you'd rather. Thanks!
> --
> Denise Dalphond
> Ph.D. Candidate
> Department of Folklore & Ethnomusicology
> Indiana University
> http://denisedjsdetroit.blogspot.com/


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