Okay one more 'down the line .

  Catch up with Psurkit.net this week, with a mix from southern DnB producers
  Pendulum .. ++ new stuff from Loop Recordings .

  and as per usual a little ' digital boom boom from Speakeasy

  .. digging the stuff from www.broque.de

  . love you electronically  ..


-------- Original Message --------

Speakeasy 021


Spilling the band width

Stand by  ' steady on the upload

All told and nothing said, Turnstyle lets Suln hit stings.  This week we
take journey on sounds less glitch and more pitch.

Get broque and step up the sounds of this groove.  The audible instantly
lighting up my ratings column, leaping out from between the glitch with a
refreshing rhythm.

Otherwise keeping it close to the floor, breaking down the dub 1 bit at a
time.  Lets go unleash the torrents of net music, spilling free into the

Ready on the celebration, highlighted by the net famous DE:BUG.  Subtle
sounds for the cautious new foundations of the Techno reality.

Do you really feel surprised that this is what it sounds like, that this
download is more retro disposable future smash hits from ether.  This is
like going back to the past you never new existed, only to find out right

So don't get flustered: get Flussbett! Get your Psurkit's rocked on

Get soft-patched into the digital evolution your own media.



AhaHa - TomTomGroove / [brq 02] - Audible bred EP
Krafter Dub -   Daniel Lindeberg / [BEVLAR S02]
30...Tagebart - Treplec / Celebration Compilation
The Surprised Man - Rob Keens   / [stadt001] The Park
Flussbett (Jason Corder Remix)  - Benfay / [THN060] - One Touch Button



Pendulum vs State of Mind



Hold your Colour - Pendulum

Promo mix for Pendulums upcoming 'Hold your Colour' Tour
with State of Mind, mixed by Trei.

Virgin Dub - State of Mind
Back to you - Pendulum
For You (State of Mind rmx) - Trei ft. Dmyze
Vault - Pendulum
Mind Slicer - State of Mind
Voyager - Pendulum
Whats goin down - State of Mind
Through the




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