>I hear ya, but Ben Sims is a good producer >too. Being a good dj AND a good 
>producer is >kinda rare but increasingly important if you >want to be 

Yeah looping old tracks is difficult. (sarcasm)

>Jeff Mills gets a lot of respect for his >production though I don't think it's 
>all that >great.

You fucking idiot! Sorry, Your joking right? 

Ah man, I don't know what to say to this, what do you say to this?

>Maybe Jeff Mills used to be good but I feel >he's surpassed by the likes of 
>Claude Young. 

Oh man your value..... stop it please.... I can't laugh anymore.....

>Jeff's too busy messing about making so called >experimental tunes when he 
>should be knocking >dancefloor tunes together. 

I won't go on slating you anymore, I think Tom, Joseph and Alan ripped you up 
on this comment.

>How far must we keep 'pushing the boundaries'? 

We'll never stop!

>Dj Pacific:) 




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