
I always thought that Sterling Void was a dude... and not a group...

"Runaway Girl" is still a massive track!

I recall he put an album out... with his face on the cover... the first tiem
I saw that I thought they put Theo Huxtable of the Cosby Show on the cover


                -----Original Message-----
                From:   Odeluga, Ken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                Sent:   vrijdag 1 november 2002 13:24
                To:     Jongsma, K.J.; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Org
                Subject:        RE: (313) see pete tong is cool........

                Yeah, Marshall Jefferson was the producer but there *was* a
Sterling Void
                group. The vocalist on "It's Alright" was Paris Brightledge.
I even have an
                LP of their's which I purchased on cassette somewhere  - no
sniggering at
                the back, this was when cassettes were considered a
legitimate reproduction

                >-----Original Message-----
                >From: Jongsma, K.J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                >Sent: Friday, November 01, 2002 12:10 PM
                >To: ''
                >Subject: RE: (313) see pete tong is cool........
                >> > Sterling Void.... Now THATS a name I haven't heard in a
long time...
                >> >
                >> > His stuff was always good! What happened to him?
                >> IsnĀ“t he Joey Negro? I think he is!!
                >All the Sterling Void tracks on DJ International are
produced by Marshall
                >Jeferson AFAIK
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