Hi guys,
my TB-303 has some problems and I thought I would ask around if anyone
knows how to fix them :)

1. line output not working
yup :( no output. There is "perfect" output from the headphones output.

2. headphone output has a faint sound of digital buzz
When the LEDs are blinking, I can hear a buzz when the LED is on. This
might be the way it worked out of the box - but if so I would like to
fix it with some mods. The sound is fairly prominent and can be heard
when the synth is playing as well, making it useless for what I want
to do (i.e. put the 303 stems in a mix not obscured by a lot of other
sounds. I understand you wouldn't hear that in a very busy mix)

3. power-on thump
I assume this needs some replacement of the electrolytic caps, but not
sure which ones exactly. I wouldn't want to just go wild on it and
replace everything

4. decay knob doesn't do anything
No idea why. This started recently.

5. (hopefully a mod exists for this) the filter cutoff range is too
small. I know you can change the range around a bit with one of the
trimpots, but that doesn't give me the needed range. I would like to
go from around 30 Hz to 30k if possible.

6. Potentiometers are noisy and slow, i.e. difficult to drag:
the resonance knob is especially slow! The others feel a bit wonky too
and are probably quite worn. Is there a good replacement?

7. Waveform switch is wonky and sometimes doesn't close contact properly
is there a direct replacement part - or do I need to open it up and
recondition it? I would really like to avoid that :X

BTW, is there a mod to change patterns in write mode?

Thanks a lot,

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