Since there is so much of a thread on this show, my 2 cents are was 
alright, some moments of excellence and a lot of what I would describe as 
repetative filler.  I thought that it was weird that they were playing a live 
set but were more or less playing some other peoples' trax like 'house of god" 
without the vocals <;)>.  I was sometimes bored which I blamed on their house 
music pandering of the SF audience, but then they managed to rescue my 
attention and feet later in their set.
Review of minimal in general, what a bunch of sour grapes.  Odviously "modern 
Mnl" is built on a detroit and experimental foundation and sometimes lacks the 
soul & distinctions of the original sounds.  But I think that it is moving 
forward with the sound.  I am happy that people move forward with music.  It is 
also great because artists like rob hood and jeff mills are the establishment 
of sound and aren't really accessable to be bringing out to play at small 
gallery spaces.  
Alcohol and San francisco, the most memorable part of tejada was going to the 
bathroom where it appeared someone had throwup on the urine soaked floor and it 
just smelled really bad and you sort of had to hold the walls so you didn't 
fall down.  That is a party, right?  I like drunk folks they have no shame and 
less motor kontrol, so sometimes they need to be shoved, that is punk rock eh?  
I thought it was great to be in a really packed space, and i actually like 
drunks over drug victims.  If a drunk passes out you just turn them on their 
side so they don't drown in their vomit, while if a ghb user passes out you 
call an ambulence. 
San Francisco is doing all right, better than anytime in the last 5-7 years.  
There is usually somebody worth seeing every month.  Next month Dan bell and 
lowfish, quit complaining and start dancing.
Current 93 shows here were really great and pretentious as hell, but he did 
alot of stuff related to jhon balance.  There was some new Nurse With Wound 
material that they played to bring on the band that was exquisite and very 
electronicly driven, drool.  I got to talk to steven stapleton for a little 
while and that was really swell.  Supposedly, there are going to be Nurse with 
Wound current 93 shows here in the spring.
tom kat

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