In a message dated 4/11/00 12:55:34 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< notice how kodwo eshun and derrick may are in it? anyone seen this movie? 

I stumbled across a copy of More Brilliant Than the Sun and found it to be 
unreadable; I've never read such crap in my life. All these made-up 
submicrocategories (and smashed-together words) for music. The worst cliches 
of Brit music journalism all collided together in one volume. Eshun makes 
Neil Ollivierra (back when he was a writer) look like the soul of brevity. 
Time to read Techno Rebels for the 20th time. Some folks took Dan 
(congratulations !) to task for its relatively short length, but at least you 
didn't come away feeling like you just slogged through a field of mud with 
heavy boots on.

Maybe it's because I know the cats personally, but Goddamn, it's not like 
Drexciya is actually saying anything even if they do have "lyrics". Can we 
navel-gaze some more please ? In the words of Chris Rock, "whatever happened 
to crazy ?"


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