omg..i laughed so hard at this i had to share it...probably not many 313'ers 
have actually _lived_ in this sort of environment but i have so i might have a 
sense of humor about the situation that some others may not appreciate

names deleted to protect the innocent :)


>Hey it was glad to finally hear from you. know the cat class? Well I 
>finally did our 'final' presentation..I was so stressed out cause I missed
>the whole prepration week for it because of MEAP testing (and im the only 
>junior in the class) so my teacher didn't give me any extra time.

Anyways, I busted my butt and got it all done in one day. During my 
presentation, in front of a class of about 40 kids, I look outside while one of 
my videos in my presentation is rolling, and a SWAT Van pulls up into a front 
yard, 20-30
>guys jump out with the shields, guns bigger than me and chemical masks on!
>Everyone in class was watching my video so I paused it and go.."Sorry to 
>interrupt my own presentation, but there's a drug bust across the street." 
>Turns out the house was suspected for a Crystal Meth Kitchen, but they only 
>found the drugs, not all that actually made it. Some other narcotics as well.

>It was pretty nuts to see. Anyways, I got an A (best in the class!) on the 
>presentation, and I'm being asked to make power points for some teachers so 
>thats pretty cool.

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