I've compiled 7 tracks I've made over the years into a free release for download. It's mimimal techno / techhouse. Early reviews have tried to class it as lounge techno. But if you ask me, it's all straight up Detroit, but on the more chilled out side.

You can download the zip directly:

or visit the release: http://lx7.ca/promo-release

1. E k G
2. Outta Control
3. De Sade
4. One By Morning
5. Punishment
6. Metal Stabbs (circa.1997)
7. Thematic Waves

Most of the songs were composed and recorded using a Yamaha QY-700 as the sequencer in loop pattern mode... with some basic editing in Nuendo. I've always been a fan of 'on the fly' music composition rather then sequencing on a computer. It makes for sometimes a more basic stripped down track, but I find the groove in doing it that way feels more natural rather then tricky and gimmicky. Not everyone is a fan of working that way, but I find it perfect for the genre and how I like to work.

Give it a listen, they're all in 192bit mp3 format.

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