believe me... people get fucked for money everywhere.

however, this happens less frequently in highly developed markets where legal
channels are most likely to be used as recourse.  the legal system in this
country helps give people the ocnfidence that they can do business.  i believe
that many nations remain in the third world becuase they don't have a judicial
system, or any other system that they can trust will enforce contracts.
contracts are the basis of our economy and ease of movement of goods.  however,
in an industry like the music industry, or art or design, where those involved
believe the counterparty is not likely to sue (or more specifically, have the
ability to outdo their lawyers), the tendency to screw people is higher.  case
in point: jaguar.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 03/16/2000 11:24:23 AM

 To:        [EMAIL PROTECTED],                             
 cc:        (bcc: Holly C MacDonald-Korth/IRM/FRBOG/US)                        
 Subject    RE: (313) Dave Clarke & Bush                                       

You are right, you shouldn't take shit from anyone. I used to get fucked
over for money too in the past, but from now on I'm on my gard. Is it just
the music industry or do people get fucked for money everywhere? Well I
guess it's the same problem everywhere, but I've already heard lots of
artists complain about getting ripped off.

Have to go now,


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