Alright ' I know there is no ethics going down on this thread.

   but it's starting to sound down right loverly ' this business
   of trading other people music without their permission ..

   just cause I'm friends with my drug dealer doesn't make it legal


   I guess I'm mostly wondering where all this is going to take us .

   Pitch Black ' NZ biggest electronic band have basically committed
   to never making money from an album due to the ability to copy
   and share their music ..

   It hasn't stopped them making music, but their love is our

   Six months ago . the word about P2P is that it will only hurt
   the majors ' but as we are all obviously willing to seek and
   share more obscure and leftfield music . where does that leave
   the minority players . .

   also only money being talked about here ' is going towards the
   development of a better file sharing network ..

   / please understand I'm not speaking against P2P

     I am just interested to see where people on the list
     believe this will take music and the artist ' as we
     progress down this path ..

     there may be some positive outcomes in the long run ..

     but currently ' if your music is good .. then expect for
     it to be handed around freely while people make friends
     in the process ..

     I'm not innocent ' just curious about future navigation


Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "Simon Hindle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

My favourite thing about slsk is the way you can chat with the people
you're downloading from, and browse their other files as well.

exactly. there really is a community based around it with many
many cool people. i never just chat on the internet (im more a
message board/email list kinda guy ;) but ive spent some time
talking to people just learning about good music. tom

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