not really good at these but i'll give it a shot.  the line to get in took
me by surprise - about 200 yards long and 4 people deep when i got there
a little after 12.  took about 35 minutes to get in.  once inside it took
about 5-10 minutes to get between floors, waiting in the queue for the
stairs.  for this reason i didn't get to see everyone i wanted to.  i did
catch a bit of stewart walker down stairs - some preety sweet minimal 
techno.  then i went upstairs to catch the end of john's set.  i liked
what i heard.  i think it could be classified as tech house with a dash of
acid - pretty trippy.  then i caught the beginning of kooky scientist.
straight forward banging techno - but it wasn't holding my attention, so
downstairs to see kenny larkin (i probably would have gotten into fred's
p.a., but wasn't patient enough to give it a chance).  this was the first
time i had seen kenny spin.  i liked what i heard - a pretty high energy
set (that's NOT high NRG) that went back and forth between techno and
     then upstairs at 2:30 to see then end of the kooky scientist p.a.
- but he apparently stopped early because richie was banging away.  he
impressed as usual, going from aggressive to mellow and back, working the
magic of the 909 all the while.  at first you could scarcely move, but
after about an hour or so the crowd began to thin out and then you could
actually dance rather than just bob your head (although during the mellow
parts of his set i would just close my eyes and let him take me on a
journey).  he was on until 5:30.  at which point we all said goodnight.


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