I am a systems engineer/analyst on unix and NT/client
server platforms
too bad you were so rude...carma's a [EMAIL PROTECTED]


--- Holly C MacDonald-Korth
> Well, everyone... it's 98% sure that I lost all of
> the sets from the december
> 313 list party.
> About 5 days after I got the site up, my isp went
> down. (Not for everyone, just
> for me, and you can be sure i was their *top*
> priority.)  I was out of service
> for 45 (yes, 45 days).  Then, last Monday, May 22, I
> finally got my service
> restored.
> On Wednesday, I had planned to announce the
> ressurection of the site.  But what
> should happen upon walking into my apartment?  THE
> ticking drive.
> Yep, you guessed it, the drive that i use for my
> server died.  And do you know
> how much they want for data recovery? $1500 to $4500
> ! That's outrageous.  So,
> unless anyone wants to donate the money to get disk
> recovery for that drive, or
> i happen upon some data recovery guy and bat my
> eyelashes enough, the sets are
> gone.
> I'm really sorry.  I feel like such a schmuck for
> volunteering to host the site,
> and then having it die, and then having it *really*
> die.
> If Josh ever has access to a highspeed ftp server,
> and can put the sets back up,
> I can d/l, convert and put them up again. (But this
> time I will put them up with
> a realaudio isp)
> But, on the bright side, at least we have a lot of
> real audio from DEMF to
> listen to now...
> again, sorry i'm a schmuck... this kind of stuff
> always happens to me... i'm the
> glitch queen... ya, good plan to go into
> programming, huh? wise career decision
> there, holl...
> ok, i digress...
> peace,
> holly
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