Yea I've heard that D'n'B track. I first saw the document, then about six months later I heard that track. I thought it was little overdramatic... the track I mean.

Derrick actually stumbles with the words in the document, I guess he was so enthusiastic about speaking his mind.

jurren baars wrote:

That's funny, i've got a D'n'B track that uses that >sample, didn't know it was a Derrick May quote. Can't >remember what track it is, but i guess it is something >on Good Looking records or Movin Shadow since i was >really into those kind of records in '96-'97.

Florian wrote:

I transcribed part of Derrick May's words from 'Planet >>Rock', the final episode of the BBC series 'Dancing in >>the Streets':'It's sad, in the 20th century, in the >>1990's, we have to still go the same bullshit route >>that other black artists have had to go to get >>acceptance. Because we're not entertaining bouffant idiots, we >>have to go someplace else to be accpeted, and that's >>absolute bullshit. If it wasn't for the independents, for the small, >>dinky little cities, and the few little ghetto black >>guys trying to make music, it would have never happened. As quite as it's kept some of >>these guys will never make a dime. Some of these guys will be poor and die alone. But in >>the process, they've been the true renegades, and the >>true rebels always walk alone anyway.'
peace out,florian

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