James Hurlbut wrote:
> The LAWeekly did a cover story on the "nine lives of rave" this week.
> Past the obligatory "Oakenfold rulez" spread is a nice little interview with 
> Juan Atkins where he talks about racial barriers in America and Trance as 
> soulless marching music.  Parallel to discussions I've read on this board, 
> he cites "a black dude -- one of my homeboys in Detroit" (Red Planet - Star 
> Dancer) as the Trance sound's blueprint.  Thought someone might be 
> interested, available at www.laweekly.com .  Also Larry Heard in LA on 
> November 24th!!!  Can't wait for that one.

Damn, you beat me to that one, James.  Direct link:


Where did you read/hear about Larry Heard coming to LA?

        - Greg (who's gonna wear his Stardancer t-shirt to raves now)

P.S. Am I the only person that gets seemingly-random posts to the list
     dropped for no reason?  I posted last weekend about Richie's LA
     appearance, and it never showed up in the following Digests.  Grrrrr...

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