Now, it's been a while since I've seen the docu-flick, but I do remember being left a bit cold by it. I was hoping for more of a broader perspective, one which would relate the unique instrument to the slowly building movement (in disparate elements) that was modern electronic music. Instead, the focus was on the plight of this one man and the effect he rendered on his close circle of associates. Yes, testimony and opinions were solicited from a handful of modern musicians (Brian 'whoops, I left my brain somewhere over the last breaker' Wilson's comments being the most entertaining), but these were marginal tidbits utilized to fill space. Let's face it, the theremin is a weird-sounding instrument (very cheeky). I would rather hear more details about the motivation which inspired its construction than listen to countless pieces involving its integration in typical ensemble settings.

I could be way off base thanks to the ravages of time. Plus, I remember being tired when watching it. Could someone convince me I am misled and primed for a second viewing? In fact, can anyone recommend any existing works (on video) highlighting early futurist music and folks such as Edgar Varese?


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