Can we stop these childishnesses for 5 minutes ? please.
We have here a communication's issue, people just hear and understand what they want to hear and what they want to understand...., the main point of Laura was , there is something wrong in the Music industry, and yes there is something wrong....not only in techno....but before music industry(MI) classifies us, we, all of us , should know... is it so hard to analyse what's going on for 40 years now ?

Time and time again we can see examples of where culture that has been observed, then joined, dominated, destroyed, then regurgitated and reformatted for the benefit of those outside of the original culture. Most often these outsiders then manifest themselves as a force of oppression. Instinct of self-preservation…
* The systems -see nothing really new...-
-Mass Promotion
-MTV Rules
-The Warning games
If record companies will find something new, like a sound that they like, later they will usually suck out all the soul to it and act like they control it. They "heat it up"…..
- Trends (and how to make them)
- Forced Listening and other Hypocrisies
- How to raise sheep
Seeing how impressionable the average person is, the music industry can succeed in getting everyone to buy whatever "product" they put out. Why do you think that millions of dollars are spent on advertising? To not only promote the product, but to convince people that they need that item. Is it working?
Is New Music Relevant in an Industrial Society?
If you make a record, you are not automatically ensured that the song you wrote or recorded will reach the marketplace, because some coward from the record company may come up and say he can't allow it to be released for "reasons."
-Majority Rules, Majority Sucks
It only matters to industries that make cash off of the weak public, whom they have manipulated, and turned their brains into spaghetti.
- The racial side of the music industry
The career prospects are grim for a black musician who falls outside the rigid stylistic confines of the "urban contemporary" sound. ("Urban contemporary" is the industry’s code-name for music aimed at a predominantly black audience.) Black musicians who don't croon romantic ballads, rap, or make good-timely party records usually find themselves locked outside both white and black markets. Funk (as well as R&B and Hip-hop) has been traditionally a musical form of Black America. Rock, (as well as Country) on the other hand, has been since the late 60's and early 70's, the traditional musical form of White America. But this is not the way it started out. The music industry has segmented the genre, and our brains. It's difficult to say exactly when the change occurred. But several factors were definitely involved, many of whom were overt and deliberately racist. Rock 'n Roll in the 50's was a form of music which was largely if not predominantly created and formed by black artists. Chuck Berry, Bo Diddly, Fat's Domino, Little Richard, Chubby Checker, The Isley Brother's, and many more...were leaders in Rock 'n Roll along with white artists such as Jerry Lee Lewis, The Big Bopper, and Buddy Holly. Latino's such as Richie Valenzuela were also involved, but in his case his name had to be modified to Richie Valens in order to hide his ethnicity (despite that, the song "La Bamba" made it quite obvious what his roots were.
*The Switch Play
In the late 60's, songs released by black artists were often re-recorded by white artists and released so quickly that they were actually in competition with each other on the same charts. The simple fact that then, as now, the majority of American radio listeners and buyers are white, and the interpretations of these original songs of black artist by whites were more palatable to a white audience. One example is the fact that blues artist, Big Mama Thornton, originally recorded Elvis Presley’s «Hound Dog»! Gradually Elvis became all image, all hype...with little substance or true significance other than looking good. A hollow God. Perhaps the most obvious example of a "Hollow God" though, is Pat Boone's rerecording of Little Richard's "Tooty Fruity", which charted simultaneously (and higher) than the original. …. When faced with multiple versions of the same song....many radio stations simply stopped playing the "original" version and gradually those versions dropped off the charts and the career of many of those artists, ended.
*The trend Thang
I won’t say anything on this subject, that too horrible for my brain but in 60’ that started with the hair…….
*The End?
Gradually as a greater and greater percentage of white artist began playing rock in response to the (black American inspired) British invasion – the MI stopped seeing Rock as being a form of Black music. The MI increasingly became to think of it as "white" people's music and not black people music. This barrier had grown by the late 60's By the late 60's and early 70's, that was pretty much over. Rock had split away from blacks, and blacks had split away from Rock. The " black” “ white" boxes were born……. As a consequence many artists had been “ transplanted in England to enable their careers ( Jimi Hendrix, Tina Turner….etc…) or else be limited and pigeonned holed in the “ black” box defined by the MI.
*The Legacy
Today, black artists are finding themselves dealing with the same struggle. They typically find a great deal of resistance to any effort by them to deviate away from what is "acceptable" for MI Simply because they are black ..In short, the message is...stick to R&B or Rap. That's "black people" music.
Yeah, it is...but a lot of things used to be "black people" music too.
Although jazz was pioneered by black artists...who is the most well known "jazz" musician today?
Kenny G?
(What happened to Coltrane and Miles Davis?)
Although blues music was pioneered by black artists...who is the most well known blues musician today?
Stevie Ray Vaughn?
(What happened to Muddy Waters, Albert King and Robert Johnson? Even Robert Cray?) And although rock was pioneered by black artists...who is the most well loved and respected rock group in the world?
The Beatles?
(What happened to Little Richard , Chuck Berry, and Bo Diddley?)
People didn't care, they didn't pay attention to what was going on, they didn't take a stand...they supported what was "safe", "common", "predictable", "expected"...just like Living Colour's record company did with the cover of their first album...they didn't and dont' challenge the "presumed wisdom" of the day...and so much of this music (Black Music?) has died. They largely did this because, they were comfortable and complacent in the cultural resonance they were receiving from MI at the time - and the fact that the music industry was successful in keeping them pacified in this way. Same game today?
They were content with their "Bread and Circuses"...  It's hard to say. ..
*The Future?
Where are we today? Our best guess? Has the MI already categorized in which box they are going to put techno music? Once it will done, game will be over, Can The music industry accept music originated from African-Americans and sell them in suburban malls? The music industry uses race as a way to promote and sell music. Thankfully, there is hope, as music styles keep crossing over, the industry will have to, like it's many faults, finally ACCEPT that it cannot keep music in boxes labeled "black" or "white." The Borg of Star Trek may tell us that resistance is futile [Laura ;-)]I say resistance is mandatory See, most of us are already in the matrix, the Music Industry already alienated them.
But the ball is in our side

Now, EVERYBODY is free to remain pacifist or to start thinking with his/her brain, try not to think it's an american issue, the " Machination", has already starded in Europe, and BTW, it's not just in music.....but it's our main concern here.....

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