---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 13:32:49 -0500 (EST)
From: matthew clay shultz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: immedia2002 saturday :: a second night out

                      . immedia2002
                    . . a second night out
                  . . . saturday, feb. 16th
                . . . . featuring:
                      , golan levin (7-8:30)

                        , audiovisual environment suite / scribble
                        , interactive systems for creating abstract
                          animation and synthetic sound in real time
                        , developed at MIT media lab
                        , featured at ars electronica
                        , lecture and performance
                        , see also: http://www.flong.com
                        : http://http://acg.media.mit.edu/people/golan/aves/

                      , bill van loo (6-7 pm - come early!)

                        , live electonic music in the digital era
                        , exploring the possibilities of improvisation
                        , lecture

                      , gallery open from 12pm onward
                      , video and animation screenings on the hour
                      , CAVE (virtual reality) open for viewing

see   you    there.

/// more ////////////////////

Golan Levin: Golan Levin is interested in creating artifacts and
experiences which explore supple new modes of nonverbal expression. He
received undergraduate and graduate degrees from the MIT Media Laboratory,
where he studied with John Maeda in the Aesthetics and Computation Group.
His current project is the Telesymphony, a
concert whose sounds are wholly produced through the
carefully-choreographed ringing of the audience's own mobile phones.
Scribble_ is a half-hour color-music concert performed live on the
Audiovisual Environment Suite. Scribble revives and updates a decades-old
tradition of kinetic light performance, featuring tightly-coupled sounds
an dynamic visuals which are at times carefully scored, and at other times
loosely improvised.

Bill Van Loo: Bill Van Loo has been playing electronic music live for over
6 years, and during that period has investigated the possibilities and
challanges of how to present it in a live setting. With performances
ranging from the Detroit Electronic Music Festival to small,
listening-oriented rooms, Van Loo has played in a variety of situations
and to a range of different audiences. Van Loo has played in a variety of
situations and to a range of different audiences. These experiences will
serve as jumping-off points for discussion. Topics include audience
expectations, hardware and software solutions and possibilities, and an
overview of the past, present and future of live electronic music.

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