At 12:51 PM 5/4/2002, you wrote:
>I would believe that alot of comic book/superhero fans are into Techno or
>may have played a role in the creation of Techno music because of the
>fantasy and romanticism of superheros and the pining for space travel and
>anything to do with Futurism.  So in that sense, I'm not surprised.
>Actually I think its cool. :-)

Man, that has GOT to be the "geekiest" possible responce anyone could have
added to that thread ;)  Thought I'm not one to talk, I have a load of
sports cards and comic books in my basement not to mention may old
interestes of star trek, douglas adams, and issiac asimov books.

By the way, someone mentioned that michael keaton was the last to get the
superhero thing right, I beg to differ.  While he was a decent batman
(thought i still think they should have gotten someone younger) he was a
lousy Bruce Wayne.  Part of what makes batman batman is his whole dual
nature thing.  Playboy Millionaire Pimp by day and dark mysterious
detective by night.  (see what I mean about being a geek?)

Anyways this was my quarterly post to this list, so while i am at it i
must mention that I WONT be at teh DEMF this year, as I realized today
that I wont get back from greece till the 30th :(  So rave one wihtout


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