I just had a look at Norman Jay's website and he has a bit to say about it
- mirrors what many of us are saying here in the US
I cut-n-pasted it so sorry if it breaks up funny. See the whole thing at

Here it is:
    COMMENT: Just when I thought I'd had a    
    reasonable week, I'm disappointed (and    
 saddened) to hear that DANNY RAMPLING's long 
 running and absolutely fabulous LOVE GROOVE  
 DANCE PARTY show on BBC Radio One is to come 
 to and end. Quite why is anyone's guess and  
  is open to a fair amount of speculation. I  
  sincerely hope that it was HIS decision to  
 leave after nearly seven brilliant years and 
 not the other way round. I for one know more 
   than most just how vicious and political   
  things can get inside a radio station. It   
 would appear that he is being 'replaced' by  
  according to certain industry sources "the  
 hottest name in dance music right now". Well 
   now, is that right? - not from where I'm   
              standing he isn't.              
       I don't mean that in any kind of       
   disrespectful way to his 'successor' - a   
      very popular (it has to said) hard      
  house/trance deejay called FERGIE who I've  
     had the pleasure of meeting on a few     
 ocassions and is a genuinely nice enough and 
 talented bloke so I don't think anyone will  
    personally begrudge him his successful    
  appointment. Who can blame him?. To me it   
  all just smacks yet again of the continual  
   marginalisation of mobo (music of black    
  origin) by the powers that be over there.   
 It begs the question; what an earth are the  
 music programmers at BBC Radio One thinking  
   about?. Do they really believe that it's   
  huge multicultural national dance audience  
 wants even MORE of the same? - I doubt it. I 
   was under the impression that they had a   
     public obligation to give 'fair and      
    reasonable' exposure to ALL aspects of    
   popular mainstream dance music on their    
  dance output. To me and thousands of other  
  Radio One listeners, I suspect there will   
     now be even LESS mobo (ooh - must be     
  carefull what I say here) on Radio One now  
  that Rampling is going. They will try and   
   have us believe that their music policy    
  changes reflect the increasingly shifting   
    music tastes of their younger 'target'    
 audience (what with even MORE trance? - yeah 
 It hasn't escaped the notice of astute (and  
 honest) observers of our vibrant and varied  
   house scene here in the UK that week in,   
    week out, there has been a steady and     
 noticeable DECLINE in attendances at some of 
 the country's leading hard/prog/tech/trance  
   type house clubs for some time now which   
   could possibly explain why some of that    
    scene's more 'high profile' main room     
    players are now trying desperately to     
   musically re-invent themselves (nothing    
  wrong in that) by trying to play 'funkier'  
  house sets in 'smaller' rooms in 'cooler'   
  clubs (and with loads more girls too) with  
      the very same style of music often      
   championed by Rampling on his radio show   
 whose services they are now dispensing with  
  (how ironic!). It's been very much my own   
     personal experience of observing and     
  listening to a lot of national radio over   
  the years that the more things change, the  
          more they remain the same.          
   I think Radio One will discover to their   
   ultimate cost that to replace Ramplings'   
      influential LGDP with yet another       
 tech/prog/trance/dark/tribal/hard house type 
   of show (aren't all their other deejays    
  playing that kind of stuff already? (yawn)  
 is a VERY retrograde step and will lose them 
   an awful lot of quality listeners in the   
   short...AND long term. A decision which    
 simply beggars belief if it emerges that it  
     was THEIR decision to 'offload' him.     
   Ramplings' impending departure from the    
     country's ONLY national dance music      
 broadcaster is a 'body blow' to everyone who 
   loves and apreciates the quality end of    
 funky house music. You can see the depth of  
  feeling amongst Danny's listeners against   
 Radio One's decision by visiting his message 
                   board at                   

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