I think the point that Keleigh was trying to make is that you cannot use such crude tools as an objective reference in an argument. I think she was fairly clear about why you should not use such an easily manipulated and unbalanced survey to say that one person has more mindshare than another.

Whenever you debate, it is usually a good idea to never try to whack your opponent with the "objective fact" stick when the objectivity of your "objective fact" stick is seriously questionable.

If you could add in factors of appearances in media, along with a scalable index of the value of each appearance, plus headcount for total audiences played for over the last decade, plus record sales, plus sub-cultural capital, plus the amount of artistic imitation, plus money made, plus this, that, and the other, then you might have the beginning of something even mildly useful as a gage for global mindshare.

It is like saying that N'Sync is the most important musical force on the planet because they do so well on TRL. TRL is a great indicator for a very profitable _SECTION_ of the music industry, but it is just that, a _SECTION_. Does TRL represent you, or the average global record buyer, probably not, but it is easy to let MTV fool you into thinking it represents the whole.

Country music is actually the best selling music in the US, but most people would never guess that.

Bottom line is that there are no reliable tools to use in order to objective calculate who has the most global mindshare.


-Rob Theakston's recipe results in some tasty-ass cookies.

-Distractions by Bruce Sterling is a darn good book.

-JBucknell's Acidhouse mix is pretty decent.

-A little nonsense, now and then, is relished by the wisest men.


So is this list unfortunately....;)

"i'm quite certain this poll is simply open to anyone who wishes to vote."

obviously there are flaws, but what otehr gauge could you possibly use to
judge what djs have the highest profile 'overall'

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