At the club I worked for last year, we booked all the above mentioned London
Liberating Nasty Bastards.  The occasionally interesting loop got really
monotonous and I think the best word to describe it is Sterile.  Now while
anything remotely related to techno is more palatable than flat ass house
and skygrabber bouncy mono kicked synth pop without vocals, it's still
flacid.  Does anyone have an explanation for the consummate mediocrity en
vogue?  I was thinking that either theres a lack of desperation for the pure
love of music (read they wanna get laid) or that it has something to do with
blandness of food consumed.  Give Me Rolando and some spicy ass BBQ anyday!

On Tue, 16 May 2000 15:46:14 GMT, Seth Redmond wrote:

>  eh?
>  I've unfortunately spent several nights listening to liberators, dave the

>  drummer et al. foisting this bleepy crap on an invariably
>  drugged-to-the-eyeballs crowd, since it is now being played in previously

>  good clubs, and though Roland the Bastard does have a cool-as-fuck name,
>  music is tedious in the extreme...
>  america gives us proper techno, and then some years later we take all the

>  funk out of it and send it back as acid trance...and people actually like

>  it?
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