"About 2 Squares is a short picture book for children. It is also one of
the most powerful expressions of revolutionary Communism and modern art.
It deserves close and careful examination as we embark on a similar
revolution from text on paper to electronic cyberspace."

This piece of art has a kind of retro-flash feel, just put on some of your
favourite music and imagine the animations. :) Not _the_ most amazing
website but I think it reminds that the web art has a loooooong way to go
befor becoming revolutionary.

While you're at it, check out

No interaction, but a long and a freaky Flash movie. Funny. :)


 Jussi Lehtonen     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  "Do not allow yourself to be programmed.
   For once, in your life, take control. Take control." - UR

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