From: FRED giannelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2005 22:04:34 -0400
Subject: Re: (313) 23 maybe logic

on 7/1/05 8:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Um what a great friday space out discussion.  But please only say nice things
> about PWOG, they were my introduction to minimal music and unlike  lord
> genesis and PTV they actually made good electronic music.

Gee, thanks.....

telepathic regards,
the kooky scientist

PS. 23 was also the favorite prime number of the brilliant John Nash, the
subject of "A Beautiful Mind"

> I like to think about magic and music.  But not too much just sometimes.
> Groups like Coil have been a big influence on how I percieve ritual music to
> be.  But back to 23, Robert Anton Wilson has writen extensively about 23 and
> alot of other esoteric subjects.  Recomended reading the Cosmic Trigger series
> and the Illumanatis triology.  How did Spiral Tribe stumble on 23?  Um acid
> and new age/old age mysticism and free festivals, seem to be a big part of the
> growth of what we now think of as dance music.  Don't tell anyone in detroit,
> it is freaky stuff and seems sort of satanic to people that are christian.  I
> am glad that Spirals stumbled on 23 they saved it from the bad industrial goth
> music of sleep chamber.
> 23 is part of the law of fives cause it adds up to 5.  I used to really
> identify with 23, cause it is an odd number now I like 1111 and 13 and 9.  I
> am now trying to distance myself from 23, cause I have met all these teknoval
> hosers from France and they just seem like hosers (Canadian/usa equivalant to
> wankers).   It is now embarrassing to have a 23 tattooed on my forehead, where
> as before it was just cultishly stupid.  I am glad I am over that,
> tom 

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