I had a copy in my pile @ RubADub last weekend - but somehow it managed not to make it home with me??? It was a blind buy but the impression I got from the guys was similar to Tom's comment of it being one of his strongest releases for a while.

On the smallfish websites review they even ask if one of the tracks is a remix of hi tech jazz??

Anyway, I guess I will have to wait till the next time I am there to pick up a copy and find out for myself.




>Wow - were you listening to the same record!?

>There's far more to it than 'some chord stabs and 909' IMHO - four long and
>complex tracks (one of which is entirely beatless) with lots of structural
>development - somewhere between the 'Every Dog...' stuff, 'The Other Day'
>and 'Humana' in feel.
>I thought it was excellent, one of his strongest releases for a while - not
>really aimed at the dancefloor but a little more complex and abstact than
>the 'Every Dog...' series. Proper techno!
> > it's mills.. same chord stabs and 909, I wasn't very impressed.
> >
> > -Pete
> >
> > Has anyone got any reviews or comments on the new Mills release ?
> >
> > MILLS, Jeff: Medium (Axis US)
> > double 12": (AX 009EF) [11.99]
> > CD: Medium Grey/Resonate: The Seduction Of Decaying Expectations/Filters
> > A-B: The Urge To Swirl Alone In A Pool Of Ridicule/Simple Degrading
> > Devices Of Reflectivity (AXIS 9EF CD) [10.99]

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