>From the new issue of Jockey Slut (Apr 2001 issue, Avalanches cover):

Martin James (Independent Music Press, £9.99)

Martin James seems to knock a biography out every month, which is probably
why this retrospectiveof Moby's career has such a 'rushed' feel. There is,
of course, another reason for the less than scintillating nature of
'Replay' - the subject matter. While Moby is articulate, vocal about issues
that concern him and a bag of contradictions, his complaints to the Prodigy
about their weed smoking while supporting them on tour is about as
rock'n'roll as this gets. Matters are made worse by Moby's continual
whingeing. By the final chapter you just want to bin your copy of 'Play'.
Don't read this, just listen to the music.
(2/5) Chris Blue

PS: the 'Book Of The Month' is 'This Is Serbia Calling: Rock'n'roll Radio
And Belgrade's Underground Resistance' by Matthew Collin (pub. by Serpent's
Tail) - so when did Mad Mike open his Belgrade chapter?!? :-)

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