Answer for workz

'Scuze me?' Never seen Terrence Parker or Jeff Mills then? Never heard of
I have seen Jeff Mills on numerous occasions starting in about 1993. He is
still one of my heroes and yes he's great behind the decks and yet I saw Ben
Sims do some stuff I've never seen Jeff do before. That's not a negative
thing. I would really suck if every dj did the same tricks. Maybe you are
that fanatical about Jeff and Terrence that you can't stand the fact that
there's a new league of dj's coming up. How many times have you seen Ben
Sims mix then? I hope we are not going the way of the cleaning products; I
hate comparative tests between dj's. Everybody is entitled to have his/her
own opinion and everybody has his/her heroes. People like Jeff Mills are
considered gods by some, but they are as  human as you and I and they also
make mistakes. It's their right to do so!


P.S. I once interviewed Jeff Mills (1996), but I didn't know it was him.
After all I have never heard of him... ;)

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, March 08, 2000 2:14 PM
Subject: Re: (313) Ben Sims kicks ass???

>Clearly his hiphop past is reflected in his >mixing. I saw him do stuff
I've never seen a dj >do before. 

You've obviously never heard of/seen Terrence Parker or Jeff Mills then!

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