First some on-topic thoughts:

Patrice Scott's performance:

He's an excellent vinyl DJ.

Most of us will know by now that whilst his profile has blown up fairly 
recently, Patrice has actually been DJ-ing - starting off in Detroit - since 
the mid eighties.

Well, it shows in his style, which is tight.

Also in his selection which was faultless and his 'meta' DJ skills, if you will 
- the apparent ability to 'sense' the 'mood' of a room or crowd, etc, were 
evidently well-developed.

That's probably the best housey set I've heard for a few years and I really 
hope we can get him to play at a Bleep43 again.

As for New World Aquarium - Jochem did an excellent job of warming the room up problem we often have with room 2 is just keeping sufficient people 
interested in staying in there in order to create an atmosphere. The times when 
it's really worked are times when we've had special acts booked there. That 
includes NWAQ. It was busy in there throughout his set.

Once again the selection was great - although as ever, difficult to spot: I'm 
sure it included some Shake though and I noticed a few Carl Craig mixes [I 
think all the DJs in room 2 played at least one of CC's better remixes].

Again overall, Jochem's obvious happiness to be at the event - shown in his 
very friendly and open demeanor to all-comers - was reflected in the premium 
atmosphere he created in the room, complementing the vibe created by the great 
house music he competently put together with software and controller.

Room one, it goes without saying was solid - I focused on room 2 though, as 
it's the first time we've had Jochem play for us again for a few years and it 
was Patrice's Bleep43 debut.

Everyone including Tony & Pete contributed their best to the night which I have 
to add was probably our most successful - whichever way you want to measure it 
- this year.

Now the off-topic bit!

At one point a friend of mine, called Claire, tapped me on the shoulder and 
said 'There's a guy called Francis in room 2 who wants to meet you.'

I dashed in there - of course I didn't know who I was looking for and just had 
to ask the first random chap in the vague direction I was pointed in.

It wasn't Francis but he said he was happy to be Francis for me if I wished ... 
ahem, so that was the end of me looking.

Rob told me later that you'd asked some black bloke with specs if he was Ken, 
as he matched the description...and....after similar ensuing embarrassment you 
in turn also stopped looking for me.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, December 15, 2009 10:21 AM
Subject: RE: (313) TR: fast but good techno

It turned out not to be true anyway Kent; I never saw Ken, despite looking for 
him several times.  Cracking party though, big props
to the guys for sorting such a top do.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: kent williams []
> Sent: 11 December 2009 08:00
>You forgot to send me my plane ticket to London, but you remember to
>keep mentioning this party! Where is your head these days?
>>On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 9:25 AM, Odeluga, Ken <> 
>> Anyone coming down to the Bleep43 party tonight with Surgeon, NWAQ and
>> Patrice Scott, see ya there.
>> You guys don't mind me mentioning it one more, brief time, do you? :-)

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