Hi Tom,
  I've tried like heck to download those interviews.  No success so far.  I
did find that clicking the "non-embedded clip" link after the first QT
window opens provides you with the content in a separate QT app.  I've had
better luck watching the Theo interviews that way.

Theo fun fact no.1 - the dude got married.  [did not know that.]


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas D. Cox, Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2006 11:22 AM
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: (313) speaking of theo....

does anyone know how to DL the quicktime movies from the
redbullmusicacademy site? i tried copying the link and editing it down
to what i thought was the .mp4 url but it didnt work right. any ideas?


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