Hi Mike, 

Just for the record: Johno is my e-mail addy since there are two Johns here
at the office. So it's John without the extra 'o'. My grandmother used to
call me that when I was little so ...
My girlfriend Annick will also be joining us. 

See ya Friday,


P.S. Isn't it a bit late to go record shopping at 8pm? Are shops still open
or do I miss something here?
-----Original Message-----
From: Intermodal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 7:55 AM
To: Klaas-Jan Jongsma
Cc: Hans Veneman; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Diana Potts;
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; steve lammers; s pruett; Nate
DeYonker; kelli b kavanaugh; Brooks Mosher; William Van Loo;
Subject: Re: DEMF get together


So far the confirmed posse includes Klaas-Jan, Hans, Phred, Diana,
Holly, Johno, Steve lammers, and myself. If you guys know anybody else
coming into town, feel free to invite them along. I figure we should
probably hit Recordtime first as the restaurant will be open later.
Diana mentioned Fishbones, but I am open to suggestions. I figure we
should probably hit Recordtime around 8pm and then hit the restaurant.
Traxx and Carlos Souffront will be playing at Cloud 9 later in the
night, so I figure that's where we should head after drinks and dinner. 

I am going to post to the list about a general listmember meet up at
Recordtime for 8pm 
on Friday night. 

We also need to think about how we are going to handle transportation. I
have room for 3 others in my car. If you have any questions feel free to
ask, and if you want to be removed from the CC list, once again, just

Take care, 

Klaas-Jan Jongsma wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >I was wondering if anybody had plans for dinner and record shopping next
> >Friday? I figure we should get something going before the festival
> >starts. Let me know if you are interested.
> We will be there Mike but i think Hans already said that.
> --
> Klaas-Jan Jongsma
> ---
> http://technotourist.org
> http://lowlands.hyperreal.org
> http://home.planet.nl/~kjongsma

 Michael Taylor : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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