i've always found the DJ must-hide-the-label syndrome slightly amusing and 
slightly annoying.

i want to spread the sound of techno to anyone who will listen.  i want people 
to support these smaller labels by BUYING THEIR RECORDS.  how the hell is 
anyone gonna do that if they can't see who the artist is?

hiding labels is snotty DJ culture at its worst.  i don't care if the DJ next 
to me has the exact same records in his crate, we're still going to do 
something different with them when we play, so what the hell?

just a thought,
>   this reminds me of an idea i have of selling(giving) label 'blanks'. it's 
>probably already been done, but they would be like white stickers or any 
>logo you wanted with a perferated X in the center so they would also correct 
>over sized holes.
>   the prototypes i have are just: question marks, plain white, and 
>   i still have some, so let me know if anyone wants any.
>>Hi guys
>>Just trying to work out what is the best way to remove the paper label from
>>a record without damaging it too much? i know some of you have done it
>>before :)
>>[flip the scrip and down pitch the speed]
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