Techno Unit 30: Audiochrome
Beat-oriented techno that goes in for electronics more
than tune. An interesting number is 'U307', bouncing
back and forth between speakers, with a little spray
of wind continuing in your right ear for minutes upon
minutes. There are elements of keyboards and
highlights of music, but not much more than that.
Nicely composed by Larry Kucharz, he knows what he's
doing and what he's playing at. But if you're looking
for the sort of techno you can whistle, you shouldn't
stop here, as this is an hour of verging into the 
minimalist side of electronica. Good soundtrack stuff
which doesn't hinder the picture.  Ben Ohmart    -
Ben Ohmart is a reviewer for and
Approaching utter two-lane blacktop anonymity, Larry Kucharz’s pure Techno 
project paradoxically has ten times more ‘personality’ than most CD’s here. 
...  in brief electronica Ian Penman The Wire 
Audiochrome, the latest disc by Larry Kucharz blurs the line between 
contemporary composition and techno music... 
newmusicbox. - American Music Center                             
available from Hypnos 

available from BACKROADS MUSIC       toll free (800) 767-4748 
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]             website: 

Visit the  International Audiochrome  Website at 

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