
I thought you guys might be interested in the electronic nights
happening next weekend on woodward. It is part of the Metrotimes Sonic
Boom festival, and will be taking place July 14th and 15th. As I have
never considered myself above blatantly over-the-top self-promotion, I
am playing a live set on the 15th at 8pm. Look for something different
from the older Intermodal material for last year, think Konigsforst
meets Rhythm and Sound. 

Here is the line up:

Sonic Electronic
Friday and Saturday Nights, July 14th and 15th
The New Med @ 3933 Woodward Ave., Detroit

 (The location of The New Med is at 3933 Woodward Ave., two doors north
 Bitter Sweet Coffee House, and just south of what was formerly known as
 Moon. Look for the television screens on scaffolding which display

Time    Thursday Pre-party at Small¹s:

10‹12        Michael Geiger
12‹2         Clark Warner


8‹8:45       Liz Copeland
8:45‹9:15    Persona [live]
9:15‹10      Derek Plaslaiko
10‹10:30     Year of the Robot [live]
10:30‹11:30  Clark Warner
11:30‹12:15  Tommy Onyx [dj+efx]
1‹2          Mike Huckaby
2‹3          Magda 


8‹8:30       Mike Taylor [live]
8:30‹9:30    Carlos Souffront
9:30‹10:15   Rob Theakston
10:15‹11     Scott Zacharias
11‹11:30     double helix [live]
11:30‹12:15  Larry Hall
12:15‹1:15   Boomer "Omegaman" Reynolds
1:15‹2:15    Kelvin Larkin
2:15‹3       Derrick Ramirez

sound by burst
webcast by iorangepop.com
lamination installation by mare
elixir by smartbar
all ages 

for more info:

 Michael Taylor : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 "Occasional collisions unexpectedly encountered determine
  the direction of a lifetime. " Elias Canetti

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