In a message dated 4/12/00 9:42:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< >>(Dixon's co-production on Juan Atkins' 1998 "Skynet" album, 
>>for various reasons, went uncredited, which led to this project on

This doesn't surprise me. Skynet was the first thing that came to mind when
I listened to Far Future on Cognition. What's the deal with Terrence not
getting his credit? 

I don't have any particular insight into that one to be honest, I just know 
that Terrence worked on "Skynet".

Also, this had led me to think: Considering the
(perceived) similarity between the two albums, did Terrence have more input
into Skynet than we are to believe or did he manage to come away from that
project with a new view on making music thanks to Juan? Reading your first
sentence in the review, I take it, Alan, that you'd agree with the latter?

Well, it's still the same Terrence Dixon who did the records on Dow, just 
with better gear. And after all this time, you can't help but get good. Look 
at me ! It's only taken me 10 years to learn to make good tracks. 

More likely, Terrence was working on these tracks at the same time as the
Skynet album. Anyone know more?
>>water torture beats (KDJ, Theo, Alton Miller, etc.) 

I guess this makes me a masochist ;-)

Don't get me wrong. I like KDJ and those cats. I loved "Silent Introduction". 
It's just more listening-oriented to me. When I am off from DJing and want to 
hear some good, bumpin' house music at a club, I look no further than Stacey 
Pullen's residency at Motor. His nights always seem to coincide with a) me 
being home and b) my girlfriend being in town.

JasonB >>

np: terrence dixon "untitled"

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