ripped straight from mcaffee.. sorry about clogging the list :)


                    Aliases:  VBS.Loveletter.a 
                    Variants: None 
                    Date Added: 5/4/00 

                    Virus Information
                    Discovery Date: 5/4/00
                    Type: Virus
                    SubType: VbScript                                    
                    Risk Assessment:  High-Outbreak
                    Minimum Dat: 4077                   
                    Minimum Engine: 4.0.35  
                  Virus Characteristics:                       

This is a VBScript worm with virus qualities. This worm will arrive in 
an email message with this format:                                              

Subject "ILOVEYOU"
Message "kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from 
Attachment "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs" 

If the user runs the attachment the worm runs using the Windows 
Scripting Host program. This is not normally present on Windows 
9x or Windows NT unless Internet Explorer 5 is installed. 
When the worm is first run it drops copies of itself in the following 
places :         


It also adds the registry keys :           

in order to run the worm at system startup. 

The worm replaces the following files: 


with copies of itself and it adds the extension .VBS to the original 
filename. So PICT.JPG would be replaced with PICT.JPG.VBS and 
this would contain the worm. 

The worm also overwrites the following files: 


with copies of itself and renames the files to *.VBS. 

The worm creates a file "LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM" which 
contains the worm and this is then sent to the IRC channels if the 
mIRC client is installed. This is accomplished by the worm 
replacing the file SCRIPT.INI. 

After a short delay the worm uses Microsoft Outlook to send 
copies of itself to all entries in the address book. The mails will be 
of the same format as the original mail. 

This worm also has another trick up it's sleeve in that it tries to 
download and install an executable file called WIN-BUGSFIX.EXE 
from the Internet. This exe file is a password stealing program that 
will email any cached passwords to the mail address:                   


In order to facilitate this download the worm sets the start-up page 
of Microsoft Internet Explorer to point to the web-page containing 
the password stealing trojan.          

The email sent by this program is as follows:                     


                     -------------copy of email sent-----------
                     From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                     Subject: Barok... email.passwords.sender.trojan
                     X-Mailer: Barok... email.passwords.sender.
                     trojan---by: spyder
                     Host: [machine name]
                     Username: [user name]
                     IP Address: [victim IP address] 

                     RAS Passwords:...[victim password info]
                     Cache Passwords:...[victim password info]
                     -------------copy of email sent----------- 

                     The password stealing trojan is also installed via the 
following registry key: 


to autorun at system startup. After it has been run the password 
stealing trojan copies itself to:


and replaces the registry key with:                    


                     VirusScan 4.0.3+
                     Toolkit 8

                     Method Of Infection
                     VirusScan 4.0.3+
                     Toolkit 8

Removal Instructions:

Script,Batch,Macro and non memory-resident:

Use specified engine and DAT files for detection and removal. 

Note- It is very common for macro viruses to disable options within 
Office applications for example in Word, the macro protection 
warning commonly is disabled. After cleaning macro viruses, 
ensure that your previously set options are again enabled. 

PE,Trojan,Internet Worm and memory resident:

Use specified engine and DAT files for detection. To remove, boot 
to MS-DOS mode or use an emergency boot diskette and use the 
command line scanner such as "SCANPM C:/CLEAN /ALL" 

DAT not yet available: 

In the event you have this virus, trojan or Internet worm on your
system(s) and the specified DAT is not yet available, refer to the 
documentation posted for submitting a sample to McAfee AVERT 
for resolution. 

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