Its about f'n time. After like ten years. We finally recorded digitally (apprx. 24minutes) 4 tracks to make available to the public. This was a real trial for me and I admire all those who record on a normal basis. I usually do all my sound as a live P.A. set and trying to crame all that sound into four 5-6 minute tracks was quite rough, but it worked out really quite well. So heres the story, We used the following gear:

TR-606  x2
Simmons SDS9
Poly 6 x2
JP-8000 (digital mimiking analogue!)
JX/3P and programmer
Various toys

and lots of gatorade, mountain dew and cables... ohh too many cables, I almost broke my leg, got a head injury, and never got outside because of all of those cables!

The sound is very percussive and at times sounds like electronic tribal drumming yet theres a distinct 4/4 detroit feel to it. One of my favorites I named after my son "ronnan" tons of really good drumming. Im a freeking nut when it comes to mixing my drum sounds.

So what Im getting at is, alot may know me as the video man (installations here in detroit on a regular basis) and the modifier. Now you can hear what I do audio wise.
If your interested, write me back at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thankyou kindly for your time.


visuals ~ experimental audio ~ toy - instrument expansion

::create : recreate : alter:::::::

::synthetic - detroit

contact info::.:.::..:.........
p: 248.407.8283

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