i'm new in these parts. dustin (the sapphrite) posted the info
somewhere, and the list sounds interesting. i spin techno as well as
darker house, some trance, and electro. mostly interested in dark,
hynoptic styled stuff. ala monolake, etc.

        anyway, thats it for me.


    /_____________   .
    ............. /.:::. !wendy creamer!  [EMAIL PROTECTED] <--
    |:: ......  :....:              //                          ______ :: /:
    :::  ````   ,pqqqqq     .,[EMAIL PROTECTED],     "the greater the      ///  
  /::`/ :
    ::` >$bs,, $$$$$$"`  .d$P"  """ .k    obstacle, the more   /____/___/ ::
    :.d$$$$$P`  '4$$$$b.$$$l    +p%$$$k. glory in overcoming it."  / __/\__:
    | $$$$$b,pgg,d$$$P"`+$$$b,..d$$$P"`     ___  ___- Molier _____// \o @ /:
    |:.`"+S$$P"Q$$S+` :.  `"+S$$S+"` .:`   /__/ /_________________/  /_/\_\:
    |||:+.... : `"` .:::::+,,..   .::::+,..   .....................::......|
    |||>>this sig done by wendy's mack daddy, Spinsane of ACiD/RMRS/DPS<<:||

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