Sorry for the off topic post, but I know there must be some web designers on
this list who may be interested...

My boss has given me the go ahead to begin redesigning our website here at
It's really quite simple stuff. The list is like this... 
-reorganize the content that already exists on the site. As it is, the site has
gotten a bit unrully and scattered, the presentation of the information needs
to be simplified.   
-add some Java scripting (boss wants a news ticker on the front page, perhaps
some buttons)
-add a subscription order form and bulletin boards for various features on the
-add an archiving function for news stories. 
-most importantly, revamp the "look" of the site. Right now the thing is pretty
basic, and aesthetically hopeless. The boss is prepared to hire an illustrator,
but if there's a web designer out there with graphic arts ability that would be

Anybody care to guesstimate how much this might cost? If anybody is interested
in talking more about the project, and maybe making a bid for it, contact me
off list.



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